Do What Makes You Feel Alive

About Us

Empowerment Through Boardriding🤙🏽

Surf | Skate | Snow | SUP | Wake | Kite

Meet Ups | Lessons | Good Vibes
🌊Ohio & Great Lakes🌊

Hey guys! My name is Amber and I’m the founder of BackBone Moxy! 

I am not a professional boardrider!!! At all. 😆
I’m a former adventure therapy specialist with a big love for board sports. I created BackBone Moxy because I wanted to do something positive for the community that was adventure therapy related. When my own mental health declined, skateboarding helped me connect to myself again. Plus it’s damn fun! I am 39 years old and just beginning to learn all of these things I’ve always wanted to. I’m hoping to build a community based around positivity and chasing stoke. 

So if you’re a beginner, I’ll be learning right beside you! It is my hope to have clinicians at each of our events to be able to offer guidance as well. 

I believe that boardriding is medicine. You’ll hear me say that all the time. But is doesn’t have to be boardriding, it can be any adventure sport or anything that connects you to your true self. 

Boardriding can be used as a tool to help us tap into our resilience and remember our power. This connection with your true, capable and powerful self, has such a positive impact on your mental health and wellness, and it is absolutely medicinal. 🙌🏽

I’m loving watching our community grow and am already so inspired by the stories you’ve shared with me and allowed me to share with others. 

Thanks for being here! 